Youth Stereotypes


"A popular magazine cover such as this one reveals America’s most fundamental assumptions about its youth.  Youth are understood as an enigmatic cohort, mysterious and puzzling to the adults who would be “surprised” and “shocked” to learn about their lives.  The issues closely associated with youth and thus kept most private from adults are “sex, drugs and parents,” an emphasis that suggests that young people are self-indulgent and uninvested in more sophisticated ‘adult’ concerns (such as work, health, money, etc)." (Bogad, 2002, p. 4) 

Adults assume that youth are selfish, and not concerned with the "important" aspects of life. 


As discussed by Lesley Bogad, several magazines have issued articles stating "How well do you know your kids?" and "What's wrong with America's youth?" insinuating that youth can not be trusted. 


Old traditions and media have made adults believe that youth can not be anything but what is expected of them by the older generations. It has become hard for adults to give the youth a voice of their own. 

My Personal Experience as a youth

"Life experiences come with age" 

"You're too young to know what you want" 


  1. Thanks for this post Julie. The image that you used is so evocative. Why did you choose it and what does it communicate to you?

  2. I like all the key words that you picked! they sum up the quotes that you picked.


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